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I stayed in a cabin the first night, along with Rachel, Remy, and Rachel's mom. The trailhead was only a few miles from the cabin, so I set out the next morning at dawn on my first solo trip - well, not entirely true - I had Sadie with me. But for the first time, I had to leave Reilly behind. She had been slow on recent hiking trips, and this trail didn't look like and easy one. There are two main choices from this trailhead - down into Little Lakes Valley, or up and over Mono Pass. I did the latter.
Little Lakes Valley |
Heart and Box Lakes |
Ruby Lake |
Ruby Lake |
Looking up, I really wasn't sure how I was going to get over that rock. But looking down had some great views.
Mono Pass |
Mono Pass |
Summit Lake |
Trail Lakes and Golden Lake |
Fourth Recess |
The pass was a moonscape, with a small lake in the middle. At 12,000 feet, the air was pretty thin. Trail lakes is my planned camp site for the 2nd night. Several people I talked to said that Fourth Recess Lake was worth the trip, so I continue on.
Fourth Recess Lake |
Sadie |
Camp |
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My destination. I made pretty good time and setup camp in the early afternoon. While sitting in my chair relaxing (the only camper on the lake that night) I felt two good jolts - a quick earthquake rumbled through, causing a small avalanche on the far side of the lake.
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Because the camp was down in a valley (~10k) it didn't get too cold that night. A few clouds rolled in making a great sunset. And the moon seemed to position itself just right between the mountains.
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The next morning was very still, leaving the lake surface like glass. After taking a few pictures, I washed my face and that was enough to break the reflection.
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On my return trip, I stopped at Trail Lakes to take a few pictures. Only, I didn't know I was at Trail Lakes. After hiking up another mile or so, I looked down a few hundred feet at the lakes and thought they looked familiar. Some hikers passing by confirmed that I missed my turnoff for my 2nd camp. Not wanting to lose the altitude I worked so hard to gain, I decided to go all the way. My ride wasn't expecting me to return until the next day, so I had to hitch a ride with a friendly hiker (who had, by the way, hiked about twice as far as I did in one day!). I got back to an empty cabin, and called Rachel's cell phone. They were at the Mammoth hospital, where Remy was being treated for ear infections in both ears. He had a cold when I left, and it seemed that the altitude may have pushed it into his ears. It was not a fun weekend for Remy and the girls, but we had a great dinner that night from the restaurant that served the cabins.